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Hydro Jet System

Sabtu, 14 Desember 2024 - Teknologi

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Minggu, 8 Desember 2024 - Komunitas

LPJ Triwulan 3 Kopma UIN Jakarta 2024

Jum'at, 6 Desember 2024 - Koperasi

LMS UNJ Error, Menyulitkan Pejuang Sarjana

Rabu, 4 Desember 2024 - Teknologi Kampus

Wow Dapat 150 Ribu Hanya Mengikuti FGD

Kamis, 14 Desember 2023 - Admin menemukan hal yang menarik dan sangat berharga untuk diposting di media Perpustakaan Hibah - Berita Acara pada hari ini. Menariknya adalah ada salah seorang mahasiswi yang ingin memberikan uang sebesar Rp150.000,- (Seratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah) dengan syarat hanya mengikuti kegiatan FGD. Berikut pengumuman yang disampaikan oleh saudari Nilna melalui akun Grup WhatsApp Alumni Kopma UIN Jakarta. 

Dear Bapak / Ibu / Kakak yang berdomisili di Sumatera Barat, Batam, Riau. 

Salam kenal, saya Nilna dari salah satu perusahaan riset yang ada di Indonesia. Saat ini saya sedang mencari partisipan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang memiliki: 

  • BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Yang dibiayai dan didaftarkan oleh perusahaan). 
  • Belum pernah melakukan Claim atau pencairan uang BPJS. 
  • BPJS masih aktif. 

Kegiatan FGD akan dilaksanakan pada Rabu, 20 Desember 2023 pukul 10.00 WIB (pagi) melalui Google Meet. 

Bagi Bapak / Ibu / Kakak memenuhi kriteria yang kami cari dan mengikuti FGD dari awal sampai akhir, nanti akan mendapatkan fee sebesar Rp150.000,- (Maksimal diproses H+10 pada hari jam operasional kerja). 

Jika Bapak / Ibu / Kakak berminat, silahkan hubungi Nilna di nomor 0852 7262 0688. 

Sumber: Nilna.

Nebacetin Powder


Each gram of NEBACETIN contains: 

  • 5 mg of neomycin sulphate (equivalent to 2.244 IU of neomycin base), 
  • 250 UI of bacitracin. 


NEBACETIN is a combination between antibiotics-neomycin and bacitracin. Research and mechanism show that bacteria cells attacked/destroyed with 2 ways, bacitracin delaying the biosynthesis of cell's wall and neomycin destroy genetic code and synthesis sequel of protein and germ. Hence, NEBACETIN works synergistically. 

Practical, NEBACETIN is not absorbed by skin neither mucous, so far topical use it is acceptable in high dose. Using NEBACETIN in high dose at the ulcer can prevent growth of resistant bacteria. Mechanism of NEBACETIN antibiotic can not be block by blood plasma, pus neither necrotic tissue. 

Basically, NEBACETIN indicated for all local skin and ucus infection. 


Nebacetin Powder: 

Superficial bacterial infection of the skin, such as impetigo, varicose ulcers, pressures sores, tropic ulcers and burn. 


Nebacetin Powder: 

  • Administration and dosage adults: 

Before use, the area for application should be cleaned gently. Debris such as pus or crusts should be removed from the affected area. A thin film of the ointment / a light dusting of the powder should be applied to the affected area up to three times/day depending on the clinical condition. Treatment should not be continued for more 7 days without medical supervision. 

  • Dosage in children: 

The adults dose is suitable for use in older children, however in infants dosage should be reduced. A possibility of increased absorption exists in very young children, thus ointment/powder is not recommended for use in neonatus. 

  • Dosage in renal impairment: 

Dosage should be reduced in patients with reduced renal function. 


  • Caution should be exercised so that the recommended dosage is not exceeded. 
  • Following significant systemic absorption, amynoglycoside such as neomycin can cause irreversible ototoxicity (and exacerbate existing partial nerve deafness); both neomycin sulphate and bacitracin have nephrotoxic potential. 
  • After a treatment course, administration should not be repeated for at least three months. 
  • In neonatus and infants, absorption by immature skin may be enhanced and renal function may be immature. 
  • In renal impairment the plasma clearance of neomycin is reduced, this is associated with an increased risk of ototoxicity, therefore, a reduction in dose should be made that relates to the degree of renal impairment. 
  • As with other antibacterial preparations, prolonged use may result in overgrowth by non-suspectable organism including fungi. 
  • Concurrent administration of other amynoglycosides is not recommended. 


  • In patients who have demonstrated allergic hypersensitivity to the product or any of its constituents, or to cross-sensitising substances such as framycetin, kanamycin, gentamycin and other related antibiotics. 
  • Patients with any degree of nerve deafness in circumstances in which significant systemic absorption could occur. 


  • The incidence of allergic hypersensitivity to neomycin sulphate in the general poopulation is low. However, there is an increased incidence of sensitivity to neomycin in certain selected groups of patients in dermatological practice particularly those with venous stasis eczema and ulceration. 
  • Allergic hypersensitivity to neomycin following topical application may manifest it self as a reddening and scaling of the effected skin, as an eczematous exacerbation of the lesion, or as a failure of the lesion to heal. 
  • Allergic hypersensitivity following application of bacitracin has been reported but is rare. 
  • Anaphylactic reactions following the topical administration of bacitracin have been reported but are rare. 

Following significant systemic absorption, neomycin sulphate can intensify and prolong the respiratory depressant effect of neuromuscular blocking agent. 


Bottle of 5 g 
Registration No. DKL2140407324A1 


Store below 30॰C 

Manufactured by: 
PT. Pharos Indonesia 
Jakarta - Indonesia 

For: PRIMA MEDIKA LABORATORIES, Tangerang - Indonesia

Rekrut Crew Outlet Bangor

BANGOR Foods Corp. saat ini sedang merekrut karyawan baru sebagai CREW OUTLET di berbagai wilayah DKI Jakarta dan Tangerang. 

Persyaratan Kualifikasi: 

  • Pria / Wanita Usia 18 - 25 tahun. 
  • Minimal Pendidikan SMA/sederajat. 
  • Memiliki minat di bidang F & B (Food & Beverage). 
  • Dapat bekerjasama dengan team. 
  • Jujur, ramah, dan pekerja keras. 
  • Berdomisili di Pasar Lama Tangerang, Kemanggisan, Bulungan, Semanan, City Park, Kedoya, Cililitan PGC, dan sekitarnya. 
  • Penempatan sesuai outlet yang dituju. 

Kirim Lamaran / CV (Curriculum Vitae) ke: 

Subjek: Crew Outlet_Bangor (Lokasi) 

Contoh: Crew Outlet_Bangor Kedoya

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi RAFI - 0856 9170 2034 

Sumber: Rafi.

Launching PUSFAHIM & Dukungan Perjuangan Palestina

Senin, 4 Desember 2023 pukul 10.51.16 WIB - Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta akan menggelar Launching Hasil Riset dan Seminar Nasional "Fatwa dan Tanggung Jawab Kemanusiaan: Studi Fatwa tentang Dukungan Perjuangan Palestina", serta Launching Pusat Studi Fatwa dan Hukum Islam (PUSFAHIM)

Dihadiri pula sebagai narasumber terkemuka, diantaranya yakni: 

  1. Prof. Asep Saepudin Jauhar, M.A., Ph.D. (Rektor UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). 
  2. Ir. H. Marsudi Syuhud, M.M. (Wakil Ketua Umum MUI). 
  3. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum, S.H., M.A., M.D.C. (Dekan Fakultas Syariah & Hukum UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). 
  4. Prof. Dr. H. M. Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, M.A. (Ketua Pusat Studi Fatwa & Hukum Islam). 
  5. Yang Mulia Dr. Zuhair S.M. Al Shun (Duta Besar Palestina untuk Indonesia). 
  6. Prof. Jimly Asshiddiqie (Pakar Hukum Tata Negara). 
  7. Gufron Syarif (CEO HAUS). 
  8. Muhammad Syauqi Hafiz, M.A. (CO-Inisiator BOS Indonesia). 

Acara ini akan dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa, 05 Desember 2023 pukul 08.00 s/d 12.00 WIB yang berlokasi di Auditorium Harun Nasution, Kampus 1 UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Pendaftaran terbuka untuk umum dan gratis (tidak dipungut biaya), bisa diakses melalui tautan link LAUNCHING PUSFAHIM atau bisa scan barcode berikut untuk mendaftar. 

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi: 

  • 0857 7886 9568 (Risky). 
  • 0838 9179 9266 (Lia). 

Sumber: Taqiyuddin Al Qisthy.