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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Bahasa Inggris. Tampilkan semua postingan

Test TOEFL Online Gratis Spesial Ramadhan

Admin dapat info yang bersumber dari Pak Adel Yusuf (Guru Agama Islam), kemarin 4 April 2023 pukul 17.12 WIB, terkait informasi test TOEFL berbasis daring (online) secara gratis, spesial di bulan Ramadhan 1444 H / 2023 M. Informasi ini memang sangat berharga, karena halnya jika ingin mengikuti test TOEFL biasanya berbayar dan harus datang ke lokasi juga. Keunggulan mengikuti test TOEFL online ini, diselenggarakan oleh Brighten English Pare Kediri.

Brighten English Pare Kediri memang seringkali mengadakan ujian TOEFL gratis secara online, namun ada yang spesial di bulan Ramadhan kali ini, dimana selain bisa mengikuti ujian TOEFL secara gratis, kamu juga berkesempatan mengikuti GIVEAWAY dengan total hadiah Rp1.000.000,- (Satu Juta Rupiah) untuk 10 orang pemenang.

Info Ujian TOEFL Gratis:

  • Pendaftaran : 3 - 14 April 2023
  • Sharing Tips TOEFL : 14 April 2023
  • Ujian TOEFL : 15 -16 April 2023
  • Waktu Ujian : Bebas (Free Time)
  • Pembagian Sertifikat + e-Book TOEFL : 17 April 2023

Manfaat Joiin Program ini:

  1. Free 3x Test TOEFL Online.
  2. Free Sharing Tips TOEFL Online.
  3. Free 5 e-Book TOEFL.
  4. Free e-Sertifikat TOEFL.
  5. Ujian TOEFL bisa diakses via HP dan Laptop.

Sertifikat TOEFL Brighten English Pare Kediri dapat digunakan untuk:

  • Syarat kelulusan S1, S2, S3*
  • Mengikuti seleksi beasiswa dalam / luar negeri*
  • Syarat tes CPNS, PPPK, BUMN, Kerja, dan lain-lain.

*Catatan: Kembali pada kebijakan instansi terkait.

Link Pendaftaran dapat diakses melalui link berikut:

Indikator Penilaian Keterampilan Bahasa Inggris

Dalam penilaian keterampilan terdapat 6 unsur, diantaranya sebagai berikut:

  1. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tertulis dan Praktik.
  2. Bentuk Instrumen : Tes Tertulis.
  3. Tes Praktik Keterampilan Berbicara, dan Rubrik Penilaian Tes Praktik.
  4. Kisi-Kisi : Tes Tertulis dan Tes Praktik.
  5. Instrumen.
  6. Petunjuk Penentuan Skor.

Indikator Kisi-Kisi Tes Tertulis:

  1. Disajikan beberapa gambar peserta didik melengkapi label berdasarkan gambar dengan menuliskan huruf I untuk Instruksi dan P untuk Prohibition.
  2. Disajikan teks rumpang ungkapan memberi perintah dan larangan siswa melengkapi dengan memilih kata yang sesuai.
  3. Disajikan kalimat yang menyatakan situasi, peserta didik membuat kalimat ungkapan memberi instruksi dan larangan.

Indikator Kisi-Kisi Tes Praktik:

  • Disajikan 2 kartu situasi yang berbeda (A1 & B2 atau A2 & B1) untuk masing-masing peserta didik, dengan menggunakan kartu tersebut, peserta didik dapat melakukan percakapan yang melibatkan ungkapan memberi perintah, larangan, dan responsnya dengan lancar, runtut, serta berterima secara berpasangan.

Sumber: Eem Suhaeni, S.Pd.

Chapter 7 - It Was a Memorable Event

What's on this chapter?
  • Recount text
  • Past simple tense
  • Past continous tense
  • Past perfect tense
  • Adverbs of time, place and manner
  • Pronouns
Recount text
A recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.

The purpose of recount text is to tell the readers what happened in the past through a sequence of events.

Kinds of recount texts
  • Personal recount
  • Factual recount
  • Imaginative recount
  • Historical recount
The Structure of Recount
  • Orientation: introducing the participants, place and time.
  • Events: describing series of events that happened in the past.
  • Reorientation: it is optional. Starting personal comment of the writer to the story.
Language Elements of Recounts
  • Introducing personal participant - I, my group, my family, my school, etc.
  • Using chronological connection - Then, first, next, after that, first of all, etc.
  • Using linking verbs - Was, were, saw, heard, etc.
  • Using action verb - Look, go, change, run, arrive, take, laugh, sing, etc.
  • Using simple past tense, would + verb 1, past perfect tense, past continous tense.
Simple Past Tense
  • Basic simple tense - I/you/he/she/it/we/they helped.
  • Question form - Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they help?
  • Negative form - I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not (didn't) help.
Past Continous Tense
We use the past continuous for:
  • Something which continued before and after another action: E.g. The children were doing there homework when I got home.
  • The use of the past continuous is very common at the beginning of a story: E.g. The other day I was waiting for a bus when..... Last week as I was driving to work.....
  • Something that happened before and after a particular time: E.g. It was eight o'clock. I was writing a letter.
  • Something that was happening again and again: E.g. I was practising every day, three times a day. - They were meeting secretly after school. - They were always quarrelling.
  • With verbs which show change or growth: E.g. The children were growing up quickly. - Her hair was going grey. - The town was changing quickly.
Past Perfect Tense
It is often used when we are relating two events which happened in the past.

After he had locked all the doors he went to sleep

The first action : he had locked all the doors
The second action : he went to sleep

he had locked all the dorrs before he went to sleep

The first action : he had locked all the doors
The second action : he went to sleep

Adverbs of Time
We use adverbs of time to say:
  • When something happened: Ex. I saw Mary yesterday. - She was born in 1978. - There was a storm during the night. - I will see you later.
  • For how long: Ex. We waited all day. - They have lived here since 2004. - We will be on holiday from July 1st until August 3rd.
  • How often (frequency): Ex. They usually watched television in the evening. - We sometimes went to work by car.