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SMERU Meningkatkan Kemampuan Peserta Didik Pasca Pandemi COVID-19

SMERU adalah sebuah lembaga independen yang melakukan penelitian dan kajian kebijakan publik. Dengan menyediakan informasi yang akurat dan tepat waktu, serta analisis yang objektif, secara profesional dan proaktif mengenai berbagai masalah sosial-ekonomi dan kemiskinan yang dianggap mendesak dan penting bagi rakyat Indonesia. Seluruh kerja SMERU mengarah ke tujuan utama, yaitu mendorong perumusan kebijakan promasyarakat miskin di tingkat Nasional dan daerah melalui penelitian berbasis bukti.

Dinas Pendidikan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Penelitian SMERU sedang melakukan studi diagnostik untuk memahami kondisi pembelajaran di DKI Jakarta dan mencari cara yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kualitas kegiatan belajar mengajar. Sekolah Bapak/Ibu merupakan salah satu dari 1700 sekolah yang terpilih secara acak untuk menjadi sampel. Untuk itu, kami mohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu untuk mengisi kuesioner ini. Jawaban yang Bapak/Ibu berikan akan dijamin kerahasiaannya oleh Tim Peneliti dan tidak akan mempengaruhi kepangkatan dan status kepegawaian Bapak/Ibu.

Arief Sugito merupakan seorang dari lembaga penelitian SMERU yang sedang bekerja dengan Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta untuk merancang program dan sistem yang membantu sekolah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa pasca pandemi COVID-19. Untuk surat resmi mengenai kerja sama ini dapat dilihat di bit.ly/SuratDisdik. Saat ini kami meminta bantuan Anda untuk meminta seluruh guru di sekolah Anda untuk mengisi survey pada link berikut bit.ly/SurveyPendidikanSMPN. Sekolah Anda merupakan salah satu dari 1.360 SD dan SMP Negeri dan Swasta yang terpilih secara acak untuk menjadi sample studi ini. Partisipasi Anda dan Dewan Guru sangat membantu Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta dalam memperbaiki kualitas pendidikan.


Tim Diagnostik Pendidikan DKI, The SMERU Research Institute.

Austin in Garden Ep. 002

Day 2

Good morning! I always start my day off with the paper --- I like knowing what's hapening in the world.

What do we have here? A speech by the major... A golf competition... A new park is being opened...

Hey! A cute little puppy is looking for new home!


The Biggest Selling Newspaper Since 1950

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

All you need is love... and a dog.

Help me find a loving human to play with in the garden. I'm very active, extremely smart, and not picky about food, not to mention that I like singing at the moon. You can pick me up at the Bark N' Purr animal shelter.

Bark N' Purr Animal Shelter

  • Cats, dogs, hamsters, and other pets
  • Grooming products and a wide variety of pet food!
call 555-8027


Seashells: what's next?

Seashell collectors are working on their club's development strategy. According to our sources, no seashells have been affected, and all are kept safe and sound.

Parachutes and ear plugs at the ready

A skydiving school opened in town, leading to many people complaining about the loud engines.

Garden gnomes trending!

Town residents are getting more and more interested in cute statues! Experts say the best designer solution is make them invisible at first glance, blending them in with their surroundings.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I barely slept last night because of all that noise in the garden. I'd feel better if we had a dog. Let's call Bark N' Purr!

And we'll finally be able to build a treehouse! Look a baby squirrel!

Call ad...

Hello, is this Bark N' Purr? I'm calling about your ad.

I'm Martha, the shelter owner. Are you looking to adopt a pet, Mr...?

My name's Austin. And I really want to adopt a puppy! I think our garden is a perfect place for a puppy!

Martha: Excellent! Do you think you might want to adopt a cat too? You could even adopt a parrot or turtle in a box.

Austin: Thank you, but all I need is a dog right now. We're going to guard the house together!

Martha: Have you ever considered getting a guard cat? Just imagine how surprised trespassers would be!

Austin: Thanks, Martha, but I'd really appreciate a DOG!

Martha: Okay, okay. I hope the conditions in your garden are appropriate for the dog. I'll check it out personally when I bring you the puppy.

Austin: This just crossed my mind: what if the puppy is bored in our garden? We should definitely put in a flowerbed! The dog can run around and chase butterflies in it.

Martha: We're on our way! Your new friend will be home soon in 5 minutes!

Austin: Oh! I'm so excited!

Martha: He's your dog Austin!

Austin: Hey, where are you going? Martha, how do I call him back? Does he have a name?

Martha: Hmm... there's one problem: I've tried hundreds of names, but he doesn't respond to any of them.

Austin: Barney! Snoopy! Bartholomew! Mister Superdog! He doesn't like my names either... Bro, maybe you can come up with something.

Bro: Hmm.. COVID...

Austin: Covid! Here, Covid!

Covid Dog: Woof! Woof, woof!

Austin: Hey, he came back! He likes his new name!

Martha: He likes the garden too. So do I, by the way. I think I'm leaving him in good hands. Good luck training him!

Austin: Thanks, but we'll start the training tomorrow. Today we're going to give him something delicious to celebrate our first day together! Bro, let's feed our new friend! Well Covid, are you hungry?

Covid Dog: Woof! Woof, woof!

Austin: I think the pup likes these treats. Let's stick to them. Covid will grow big and handsome. I think he's already a bit bigger!


Austin, you were accepted to the "Faithful Tails" amateur dog-breeder club. We hope you and your dog will be active participants in all our events!

Sincerely, Peter Waters, Club Director
and happy owner of a lovely dog named

Austin: What a wonderful fragrance! I wouldn't mind chasing butterflies here myself... I'm sure our dog will like to play here. I should make sure he knows the difference between butterflies and bees though. Excellent! It's the first flowerbed in our garden. Ah, I guess deep down I'm a landscaper.

Annie: Hey neighbor!

Austin: Hey, long time no see.

Annie: Things are going so well I'm running short on apples! How's your apple harvest going? Can you help me out?

Austin: Sure! My bro and I will help you. We're having a great year for apples - how many do you need?

Annie: The more, the better! Thank you, I knew I could count on you!

Now that my inner landscaper's awake, he's insisting on planting flowers along the edge of the area... I love the smell. We need to water them.

Austin: John, it's great to see you! I didn't know you were back. Bro, let me introduce you to our famous showman, John Rockit.

John: Heloo, I'm back and I have something for you. I hope you like competitions.

Austin: Who doesn't like them when such amazing prizes are at stake!

John: Welcome to the Leaugues! You're just getting started, but you can become a champion by getting the top spots in competitions and moving to higher leagues. Each league has its own rewards. The higher the league, the more prizes you can win!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Katherine is calling...

Austin: Katherine, hi! I'm glad you called. I read in the paper that you made it into the top five florists in your hometown! Congratulations!

Katherine: Thanks, Austin! And I heard that your Bro and you are real renovations experts, and there's nothing you can't do! So I was wondering if you could help me with something. My mom and I have always dreamt of having a hangout area in our backyard... And we think now's the time to make our dream come true. Which is why I thought I'd come to you.

Austin: Well, you called the right guy. I'm no expert on swimming pools, but I'd love to help! I'll head over as soon as I can.

Few moment...

Austin: Bro, let's help Katherine. You'll like her -- she's so sweet. But her mom... Well, let's just sya they're very different. I might need your help with more than just renovations.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Go to Katherine house...

Mrs. Broom: That's great! I hope you're a real expert, and not just one on paper. We went everything the way we planned it -- here's the sketch.

Show the sketch...

Austin: I've missed talking to you, Mrs. Broom. I promise everything will go according to your plan. The sketch is wonderful. So how about we clear the area and get to work?

Clean it...

Austin: Now that we cleaned up the mess, it's time for some creative renovations!

Mrs. Broom: You mean perfectly planned renovations according to my schedule, of course. To get started, we need to paint the house and decide what kind of plants we want.

Austin: Wow! This is an impressively detailed schedule... You even included time for chitchat -- 17 whole minutes. How generous!

Mrs. Broom: That's for you and Katherine -- you two like talking. She can tell you why we decided to do all of this in the first place. But only after we paint the house and pick out the plants.

Katherine: I've already thought about it. Let's plant a few palm trees and decorate the fence with exotic ivy to create a tropical vibe. Bro, Austin, I'm sorry about my mom. She can be hard to get along with sometimes.

Austin: Sometimes? I mean, don't worry about it, Katherine. We've known each other for years -- there's nothing your mom could do that would surprise me.

Katherine: You think? How about this -- when we were discussing the swimming pool design, I suggested we use mermaid-themed motifs, and she got really upset. She seemed pretty set against the idea -- she said she can't stand mermaids. I'm still curious what that's all about...

Austin: Hmm, that's weird. But I'd be more surprised if she suddenly told us what a great job we did with the pool. Oh, I can barely feel my back! We should have decided where to plant them before we got started.

Katherine: Sorry about that, but somestimes you can only tell in the process. And you made carrying them around look so easy -- that must have been a good workout!

Austin: Oh, well... I don't want to brag, but I actually work out every day. Anyway. The fountain base is next, right? I hope it's heavy enough for another good workout. As for my back... Well, I can't feel it anymore anyway.

Katherine: I'll give you a hand! But let me find a picture of the elephant statue we saw on vacation first. I'd like to decorate the fountain with one.

Next story please install Gardenscapes aplication...

Austin in Garden Ep. 001

Day 1


Oh, it's only a bench in name now... And I almost offered you to sit on it! Let's get some new ones. Oh it's only tutorials. I got it.

Okay... What are these screws for? Did I put the benches together wrong? Phew! They're just sompe spares. I thought I'd have to start all over again! Well, now I can seat.

I'm kind of tired... But it's nice to have the area so clean! Hibah Jasa 77, why are you looking at me like that? Oh, my hands... Don't tell me it's all over my face too! How embarassing!

A little while later...

Let's pretend this never happened. By the way, what do you think of the fence? Looks like it's time to repair it. Great! We're protected from invaders, except maybe ones from outer space...

The day is almost over. I'm glad we finished everything before dark. Let's double check! Okay, we got rid of the mailbox, set up the bark beetles, buried the rake, and fixed the dry leaves... I guess that's all. Just kidding! We're done, which means it's time to get some rest.

Look! Did you know the local orangery is paying good money for exotic flowers? I think I still have some seeds my traveler friends once sent me... Let's find them!

Found them! So, let's try growing a beautiful flower! It won't be easy, but we'll do our best! Tap the flower! 

Good night!

Who's there? I warn you, I have a... lantern! And a stick! And a big dog! WOOF, WOOF! Hmm... I guess it was just my imagination. Anyway, we should think about getting some extra security. I can't check every single rustle in the garden myself. Ok, I'll go back to sleep. My job's making me a little jumpy...

Sinopsis Film "The Flash"

The Flash Season 1

Barry Allen, seorang asisten ahli forensik terkena sambaran petir yang diakibatkan oleh meledaknya Partikel Akselerator milik laboratorium S.T.A.R.

Setelah mengalami koma selama 9 bulan, Barry terbangun dan mendapati dirinya ada di laboratorium S.T.A.R yang dimiliki oleh Dr. Harrison Wells. Dr. Harrison Wells merupakan idola dari Barry, bersama dengan asistennya yaitu Dr. Caitlin Snow dan Cisco Ramon mereka telah merawat Barry selama 9 bulan belakangan.

Dengan cepat Barry dapat mempelajari kecepatan yang luar biasa yang ada pada dirinya. Pada saat itu ada ‘metahumans’ lain yang terbentuk dari ledakan partikel akselerator laboratorium S.T.A.R. Salah satunya bernama Clyde Mardom seorang ‘metahuman’ yang dapat mengendalikan cuaca, pada saat itu dia berusaha merampok sebuah bank.

Untuk menghentikan aksi dari Clyde, Barry mengenakan baju khusus yang telah di disain oleh Cisco yang tahan terhadap kecepatan yang dimilikinya. Seperti diketahui dengan kecepatan yang dimiliki The Flash, apapun yang dikenakannya bisa hancur karena terdampak dari kecepatan yang dimilikinya sehingga dia harus menggunakan baju khusus.

  • Episode 01 - Metahuman Pengendali Cuaca
  • Episode 02 - Metahuman Cloning
  • Episode 03 - Gas Beracun
  • Episode 04 - Senjata S.T.A.R. Lab
  • Episode 05 - Plastique Bomb
  • Episode 06 - The Flash is Born
  • Episode 07 - Power Outage
  • Episode 08 - The Flash vs Arrow (Arrow and The Flash Crossover) Part 1
  • Episode 09 - Reverse Flash
  • Episode 10 - Revenge of The Rogues
  • Episode 11 - The Sound and The Fury
  • Episode 12 - Crazy For You
  • Episode 13 - The Nuclear Man
  • Episode 14 - Fallout
  • Episode 15 - Out of Time
  • Episode 16 - Rogue Time
  • Episode 17 - The Trickster
  • Episode 18 - All Star Team Up
  • Episode 19 - Who is Harrison Wells
  • Episode 20 - The Trap
  • Episode 21 - Grodd Lives
  • Episode 22 - Rogue Air
  • Episode 23 - The Flash | Season Finale

Film Detail

  • Genre: Drama, Action, West, Serial Asia
  • IMDB rating: N/A
  • Director: David Nutter
  • Writers: Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg & Geoff Johns
  • Stars: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Rick Cosnett

Simpanan Wajib Bagi Anggota Gratis? Masa sih?

Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2020 || Koperasi Mahasiswa UIN Syarif Hidayatullah telah mengadakan Diskusi Anggota perihal pemberlakuan pembebasan pembayaran simpanan wajib bagi anggotanya. Pembebasan kewajiban pembayaran simpanan wajib anggota menjadi rencana jangka pendek KOPMA untuk meminimalisir dampak buruk apabila tetap diberlakukan pembayaran simpanan wajib.

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa pandemi ini membuat usaha di KOPMA tersebut bahkan beberapa tidak dapat di buka dikarenakan akses untuk ke Kampus dibatasi, sehingga simpanan wajib yang seharusnya untuk modal usaha pun tidak dapat digunakan dengan efektif. Selain itu, untuk meminimalisir anggota dengan status simpanan "Diputihkan".

Dilihat dari data sebelumnya (sampai dengan bulan Maret) bahwa presentase anggota diputihkan cukup tinggi. Maka pembebasan kewajiban pembayaran simpanan wajib dilakukan dari bulan April sampai dengan Agustus. Tentunya akan diberlakukan kembali pembayaran simpanan wajib apabila kondisinya berubah, seperti pembukaan usaha KOPMA di luar Kampus.

Pada diskusi ini terdapat saran-saran yang sesuai dengan rencana pembukaan usaha di luar Kampus, maka akan diadakan voting mengenai pembayaran simpanan wajib melalui kuesioner yang akan dibagikan kepada anggota KOPMA. Serta akan disediakan data yang dapat diakses terkait data simpanan selain jarkoman, seperti website atau sejenisnya.

Sebagai catatan juga kepada anggota, agar tidak lupa membayar tunggakan simpanan wajib baik pada periode sebelum pandemi, maupun di tengah pandemi. Jika anggota memiliki nomor baru, segera hubungi Kepala Divisi (Kadiv) Keuangan Simpanan Koperasi Mahasiswa UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, agar lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan informasi update terkait simpanan.


Pemantik: Rizky Trisna Kalihaturaga, S.Ak.
Moderator: Berliana Putri
MC: Dwi Ariyanti Ibrahim